Surface Cargo
Surface cargo is basically moving goods from one place to another place through Trucks by road. The surface cargo services are the most common option in India that one might think of by road delivery your goods on time with Road Guide Services.

Air Cargo
Air freight is a process of transferring your goods from one place to another through air as the mode of transportation. Although expensive, yet it's the fastest and most reliable mode of transportation. The demand for your products can increase and your brand can be positively impacted establishing your credibility as a reliable business. So, go ahead, meet the need of your customer and deliver your goods before the deadline using Road Guide Services.
Train Cargo
Train cargo is the process of transferring your goods from one place to another via train as the mode of transportation. It is considered to be one of the most economical and efficient mode of transportation. Now, deliver your goods on time with Road Guide Services.

Full Truck Load (FTL) services are a stronghold of ours and form part of the core offerings at the Road Guide Services, including end-to-end multimodal transportation with loading services catered through hired fleet for bulk goods movement on a pan India basis. Options include a customized or specialized fleet for meeting customers’ specific requirements.
Warehousingrefers to a storage system used for protecting the quantity and quality of the stored products. Sometimes there is a time interval between the production and consumption of goods or in their delivery time, and hence the need for storage arises. At this time warehouses help in keeping the goods safe and secure.

Customized Projects
We understand that every project has its own unique and complex requirements, which may originate from the nature of products, storage/ distribution model and sensitivity/ risk involved in the project.Road Guide Services has the experience and ability to configure and deliver any complex supply chain project.
Return from Customer / Reverse Logistics
Return from Customer / Reverse LogisticsGoods that arrive in short quantity, damaged or those that do not confirm to quality need to be sent back to their origin.Road Guide Servi0ces’ Return booking system provides a unique platform for your downstream dealers / partners to put in a returns request.

Packaging Solutions
Packaging is the most important part of any freight. Packaging solutions is the process of packing all the goods in a way as to provide them utmost care and support for them to be safe while being transferred from one place to another.